New blogs referenced on Hedgeyourmind

Saturday, November 19, 2011

I just added some very interesting blogs on Hedgeyourmind:

Sovereign Speculator: part of the disclaimer speaks of itself... "The securities markets are dangerous, and these days, with systemic risks everywhere, they are dangerous for even the most prudent. The only advice I am not afraid to give is my strongest advice: get out of the markets and stay out! This means to invest only in the safest cash equivalents until true value is restored elsewhere by a long secular bear market."

Kimble Charting Solutions: All about technical analysis

Ed Yardeni's Blog : Some interesting charts...

Reality Lenses: All about macro economics and financial markets

News from 1930:  Very original and as history repeats itself.... Daily summary based upon the reading of the Wall Street Journal from the corresponding day in 1930.

Georges Soros official website: a link to his articles and essays

And last but not least, for the french speakers and readers, a link to La Bourse et la Vie, a Web Tv that is the first in France with high level content in videos about companies, markets and economy, giving you a unique view for French market.

With more than 800 videos in 2011, is the first database for listed companies in videos.

I am going to create a Fund Managers Newsletters section. You will have access to the archives of the newsletters written by highly regarded fund managers.

I wish you a good week end and enjoy your readings!



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